School Calendar

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Families and School Together for children aged 3-8 FAST Reminder

Just a reminder that the very successful FAST programme starts again on the on the 22nd of January.

Fortunately, we have been able to widen the age range for children who can take part to between 3-8 years of age.

If you have a child between the ages of 3-8 and would like to sign up then please come to the school TOMORROW, Thursday the 15th of January at 2pm for coffee/tea and sign up to the programme.

Yours sincerely,

Mr A. Llewellyn

Acting Head Teacher

January Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome back to school, I hope that you all had a lovely Christmas. I would like to wish all of our pupils, staff, parents, carers, grandparents and Governors a very Happy New Year. 
As this is a long newsletter, I will send out a list of important dates for your diaries next week.


I am extremely pleased to inform you that we are starting the FAST (Families & Schools Together Programme) on the 22nd of January which will run for 8 weeks. Many families completed the last FAST programme that was run in the school and feedback for the programme has been very positive so I am very excited to have the opportunity to deliver this programme. If you have a child between the ages of 5-8 and would like to sign up then please come to the school on Thursday the 15th of January at 2pm for coffee/tea and sign up to the programme.

The only criteria you need is that you have a child between the ages of 5-8 to attend.

Wales v England Raffle

The school and the Friends of Glenboi have currently raised over £2000 towards new playground equipment since September.

In order to help us raise more school funds we are raffling 2 tickets for the first 6 Nations match between Wales and England on Friday 6th February 2015. We will make the draw in assembly on Friday 30th January. If you would like to purchase a £1 raffle ticket please see;
  • Mrs, Doolin in the school office
  • Mrs. Dixon in class 2
  • Emma Gibbs – Friends of Glenboi
  • Anthony Trow – Communities First

Credit Union

Just a reminder that children can save money at school via the credit union scheme. If your child brings money to school on a Friday morning, it will be banked in the savings scheme. All new savers receive a free money box and you can keep a record of your child’s savings via a saving book. Parents can withdraw the money at any time. A saving of £2 a week over a child’s 8 years at Glenboi will return well in excess of £600.   

School Values

As a school we have identified 7 core values that we want to ensure that our pupils understand and demonstrate. Our Value for January is HAPPINESS, we are discussing this value and the importance of feeling good, being happy and trying to spread smiles throughout the school. I would appreciate your support by talking to your children about happiness, feeling good about yourself and caring about other people’s happiness. This will support all of the work we are doing in class and in assemblies.


I would like to thank you for your efforts in improving attendance and punctuality, and making the morning entry to school quicker and smoother. Please remember that high attendance supports high achievement.

Our Goals
  • Attendance goal of 95%
  • 9.05am the yard is clear and the bottom gate is locked.   
  • Learning starts at 9am. 

Please help us to achieve our aims by encouraging high attendance and punctuality and encouraging all children to come into the building independently.  

Attendance Raffle

We are currently at 94% attendance. In order to encourage higher attendance we will be holding a raffle at the end of the summer term. The prize will be an iPad.

Each full week of attendance that a child makes between September 2014 and July 2015 will see them receive a raffle ticket. The more tickets that a child achieves the greater the chance of winning in the summer term.

Medical Appointments

There are times when you need to collect your child from school during the school day. If this is for a medical/dental appointment please could you bring an appointment card with you to evidence the absence. We can therefore put the appropriate absence code against your child’s absence. If you do not bring the card, we have been told by the authority that the absence must be labelled as an unauthorised absence. The authority records the number of unauthorised absences and are looking to fine parents when 10 occur (1 day is 2 absences – morning and afternoon). Please pick your child up from reception not the class if your child has a medical appointment.

School Website and Twitter

If you have a smart phone, tablet or PC why not follow us on twitter, the staff are updating the twitter feed with important messages, information and photographs each week.

Alternatively you can always stay updated via the website.

Our new school website
follow us on twitter @ primary_glenboi.


Clubs will start back next week – 12th January. As we are running the FAST program on a Thursday after school the Year 1/2 Football Club will be on a Friday from 3.15 – 4.00.

Please find the list of clubs available below.

After school (3.30-4.15pm)

Staff meeting
Rugby Club Juniors
(No permission slip required)
Boys and girls in Years 3,4,5 and 6.
Football club
(Permission slip required)
Boys and girls in Years 3,4,5 and 6.

ICT club
Miss Davies
(No permission slip required)
Years 3,4,5 and 6 on a rota basis.

Dance club  
(Permission slip required)
Boys and girls in Years 3,4,5 and 6.
Please sign the permission slip below and return it to Mrs. B. Harding

No Clubs due to FAST program.

Football Club
(Permission slip required)
Boys and girls in Years 1 and 2.

In the event of cancellation notice will be given as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Mr A. Llewellyn

Acting Head Teacher