School Calendar

Monday 18 May 2015

Kensuke's Kingdom - ALEX

18th May 2015

Kensuke’s kingdom


My name is Alexander James Wilson

I am 10 years old and I like my best friend, Jack.

I am writing this blog because I would like to retell the story.

The best thing I have seen so far is a brave lion in South Africa.

The most amazing thing about the trip is that I always get something from each country as a gift for me to remember my trip.

The worst thing about the trip is I always get sea sick.

The one thing I miss is the lovely kangaroo from Australia!!!

Kensuke Kingdom - CALLUM

18th May 2015

Kensuke’s kingdom



My name is Callum west.

I am 9 and I like good computer games.

I am writing this blog because I want to retell events from my adventures.

The most amazing thing I have seen so far is a goofy gibbon from the jungle.

The best thing about the trip is the super calm sea.

the worst thing about the trip is no ps3 because there is no electricity on board the ship.

the one thing I miss is my nintendo 3d xl.