School Calendar

Thursday 11 June 2015

Oakwood Park reminder

Dear parents just a quick reminder prior to tomorrows trip.
·         If your child is not going on the Oakwood trip they will go to Mrs. Jones in class two at the normal time.
·         Children are not required to wear school uniform.
·         Maximum of £5 spending money.
·         If your child receives free school meals we will provide them with a packed lunch – if your child does not receive free school meals please provide them with a packed lunch from home.
·         We ask that the children go to class for 8 am, we will quickly register the children before walking them to the bus.
We will update twitter when we get to the park, post photographs throughout the day and update you on our arrival time home. You can follow us on twitter @primary_glenboi

vist the school website and choose “news, tweets and dates” to find the same information.

We hope to be back at school between 4.45pm and 5pm.

Thank you for your support

A   Llewellyn