School Calendar

Thursday 26 February 2015



Class 4 Glenboi Primary

Class 4 are researching, designing, making and recording their own Robots using ICT.
The following blog will let you know what the children are finding out and how they are getting on with the project!!! 
We hope you have fun reading all about our activities.
The boys of class 4

Week beginning 23.02.15

Visit  to look at the introduction to our topic.
Coen researched Lilliput 1932 - The first robot created.
Callum Reasearched Sputnik
Jayden researched AIBO
Alexander researched ASIMO
Jack researched the Robocup 2015

Week beginning 02.03.15 

These are some of the robots the pupils designed in preparation for making them next week.

Week beginning 09.03.15

Pupils made thier own robots out of household materials.


Thursday 5 February 2015

February Newsletter

February Newsletter
Monday 9th February

Year 5/6 Indoor Athletics

If your child has been chosen please fill in and return the slip to school ASAP.

Wednesday 11th February

ü  Year 3/4 Indoor Athletics
If your child has  been chosen please fill in and return the slip to school ASAP.

ü  Valentines Disco 3.15-4.30pm

All of the children are invited to the Valentines Disco. If you would like your child to go to the disco please pay the teacher £1.50 on or before Wednesday.

  • The children are welcome to wear their disco/party clothes to school all day.
  • All children will receive a drink and a packet of crisps.
  • There will be a small sweet shop available if you want your child to buy sweets (please give the teacher /or your child loose change to purchase extra sweets)

Thank you so much- Friends Of Glenboi for your help organising the disco.

Friday 13th February

St. David’s Day photographs. Please could the children come to school in Welsh costumes as the photographer from the Cynon Valley Leader is taking photographs on this day.
ü  Traditional costumes
ü  Rugby shirts/ Football shirts
ü  Red clothing

World Book Day Thursday 5th March

We are celebrating World Book Day once again this year. The children are welcome to come to school on Thursday 5th March dressed as a character from one of their books.

Eisteddfod Friday 6th March

We will be celebrating St David’s Day Friday 6th March. The children will be competing in an Eisteddfod in school. As a home/school task we would like you to support your children in making a picture or model to celebrate Welsh culture and heritage. Please bring the finished work to school by Monday 2nd March so that the work can be displayed for the Eisteddfod.


We are extremely pleased to inform you that the FAST (Families & Schools Together Programme) is well attended and proving to be very successful. We would like to organise a special event / thank you on week 8, for all of the families who complete the course.

Wales v England Raffle

Congratulations to Jacob in class1 on winning the raffle prize. The school raised £260. Thank you to all of you who bought a ticket, I hope that you enjoy the match on Friday night.

Credit Union

Just a reminder that children can save money at school via the credit union scheme. If your child brings money to school on a Friday morning, it will be banked in the savings scheme. All new savers receive a free money box and you can keep a record of your child’s savings via a saving book. Parents can withdraw the money at any time. A saving of £2 a week over a child’s 8 years at Glenboi will return well in excess of £600.   

School Values

As a school we have identified 7 core values that we want to ensure that our pupils understand and demonstrate. Our Value for February is TRUST, we are discussing this value and the importance of telling the truth, being trusted and who you can and cannot trust (Including stranger danger and staying safe on the internet - next week is National Internet Safety Week). I would appreciate your support by talking to your children at home about
  • Trust ,
  • Telling the truth
  • stranger Danger
  • Internet safety (Junior children)

This will support all of the work we are doing in class and in assemblies.

School Website and Twitter

All school dates, information and pictures can be found on our website. If you have a smart phone, tablet or PC why not follow us on twitter, the staff are updating the twitter feed with important messages, information and photographs each week. Alternatively you can always stay updated via the website. Our new school website
follow us on twitter @primary_glenboi.

Yours sincerely,

Mr A. Llewellyn