School Calendar

Thursday 26 February 2015



Class 4 Glenboi Primary

Class 4 are researching, designing, making and recording their own Robots using ICT.
The following blog will let you know what the children are finding out and how they are getting on with the project!!! 
We hope you have fun reading all about our activities.
The boys of class 4

Week beginning 23.02.15

Visit  to look at the introduction to our topic.
Coen researched Lilliput 1932 - The first robot created.
Callum Reasearched Sputnik
Jayden researched AIBO
Alexander researched ASIMO
Jack researched the Robocup 2015

Week beginning 02.03.15 

These are some of the robots the pupils designed in preparation for making them next week.

Week beginning 09.03.15

Pupils made thier own robots out of household materials.


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