School Calendar

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Christmas Events

Dear Parent(s),

“It’s that time of year again,” and the diary is quickly being filled up with Christmas events for your diaries.

Friday 28th November –. Glenboi Primary School Christmas Fayre 1.20pm.

As usual there will be lots of stalls, tombola’s and even a visit from Santa himself. If parents have any items that they would like to donate to the Fayre please could they be sent in as soon as possible.  

Tuesday 2nd December – Fernhill Community Centre Christmas Fayre
A group of children from the Juniors will be singing Christmas Carols at the Fernhill Christmas Community Fayre 1-1.30pm. Parents of these pupils will receive a permission slip shortly and parental support at the event would be very much appreciated. 

Monday 8th December – Friends Of Glenboi Coffee Morning at the school 9.05am.
All parents are welcome to come along and have a cup of tea or coffee.

Tuesday 9th December - Cwm Cynon Hospital
  • Christmas Dinner is served for all of our pupils who choose to have school dinner on this day.
  • A group of children from the juniors will be singing Christmas Carols to patients at Cwm Cynon hospital. Parents of these pupils will receive a permission slip shortly.

Thursday 11th December – Rhondda Heritage Park- Santa’s Toy Mine
Our visit to Santa’s Toy Mine at Rhondda Heritage Park. – any children who have decided not to go on the trip will still be required to come to school and staff will be here for them.

Monday 15th December – Christmas Concert 1.15pm
Please come along and enjoy our Christmas Concerts – KS 1 Whoops-a daisy-angel
                                                                                                   KS2-Children Of The World

Tuesday  16th December – Christmas Concert 1.15pm
Please come along and enjoy our Christmas Concerts – KS 1 Whoops-a daisy-angel
                                                                                                   KS2-Children Of The World

Thursday  18th December – Christmas Parties
The Children having school dinners will have party food provided for them by the school at 1pm. All packed lunch pupils on this day will eat their packed lunch at 1pm in the party. Pupils will also have a disco and party games organised by The Friends OF Glenboi. The children (if they are lucky) will also receive a visit from Santa. The school and Friends Of Glenboi kindly ask for a donation of £2 so that we can run this event. This can be paid on the day.

Thank you so much- Friends Of Glenboi

Last Thursday the Friends Of Glenboi raised £78 for the school with our Movie Night. All of the children behaved brilliantly and had a great time. I would like to thank the Friends Of Glenboi for giving up their time to organise the event for the children. I would also like to thank the children and their parents for supporting the school. It really is appreciated.

Friday 19th December – Toy Day 
  • Please don’t allow your child to bring in a toy that is very expensive or can break easily. Accidents do happen and we don’t want to have any upset children.

  • Mrs. Harper’s leaving assembly. We invite all parents past and present, to come along to the school at 10am to celebrate Mrs. Harper’s time as a teacher at the school. She has taught at Glenboi for 34 years. Please come along and help us thank Mrs. Harper for all that she has done for our school. If you would like to come please inform Mrs. Doolin beforehand so that we can provide enough seating for you. 

Monday 5th January

Inset Day – school closed to pupils. We open on Tuesday 6th January.
Our 5 inset Days are
Monday 1st September 2014 
Friday 7th November 2014
Monday 5th January 2015
Monday 27th April 2015
Monday 20th July 2015

Many thanks for your support,

Mr. Llewellyn

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