School Calendar

Monday 17 November 2014

Movie Night

Friends Of Glenboi Update
Dear parents,

Your child has brought home an example of a Christmas Card /Christmas Gift Tag today. The children designed the card/gift tag in school. If you would like to place an order please fill in the order form and return it with cash or a cheque to your child’s class teacher by Friday 21st November. It will take 2 weeks for us to get them back to you.  Approximately the 8th December.  The Friends of Glenboi receive £1 for every order placed.
Movie Night

This Thursday 20th November, the Friends of Glenboi will be holding a movie night. The children will watch a movie with a drink and popcorn. The children have voted on the films and decided what they will watch. If you would like your child to stay for the movie please fill in the slip below and return it with a £1 donation for the Friends Of Glenboi. You can pick your child up at 5pm from the main entrance.

To date the Friends of Glenboi have raised £350. They welcome parents to join them next Monday 24th November for a coffee morning and a game of bingo at the school 9.05am.
Many thanks for your support,

Mr. Llewellyn

Please cut along the line below

I would like my child to stay after school for Movie Night on Thursday 20th November.
Child’s name                      _______________________
Class teacher                     _______________________
Parental signature           _______________________

Please return this slip with a donation of £1 to the class teacher by Thursday 20th November, this will allow us to buy the drinks and popcorn for the children. 

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