School Calendar

Sunday 1 March 2015

February Update

Dear parents,

I would like to inform you of the events taking place next week.

Wednesday 4th March Film Night
The children from Reception to year 6 (Nursery pupils find the film night, too long a day at the moment) are invited to our Movie Night. The films have been chosen by the children. Reception to Year 2 – Monsters V Aliens. Year 3-Year 6 Frankenweenie.
For £1 children will watch the film and receive popcorn and a drink. Please pick your child up at 4.45pm at the main entrance. Please pass all monies onto the class teacher. 

Thursday 5th March World Book Day
We are celebrating World Book Day once again this year. The children are welcome to come to school on Thursday 5th March dressed as a character from one of their books.

Friday 6th March Eisteddfod
The children will be competing in an Eisteddfod in school. As a home/school task we would like you to support your children in making a picture or model to celebrate Welsh culture and heritage. Please bring the finished work to school by Monday 2nd March so that the work can be displayed for the Eisteddfod.

Red Nose Day (The following week)
The following Friday – 13th March is Red Nose Day. Mrs. Jones will be selling Red Noses at the end of each day up to and including Friday 13th March. If you would like to buy a red nose please call in to her classroom at the end of the school day.
Thank you for your continued support

A.     Llewellyn 

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