School Calendar

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Class 3 trip to Cardiff Bay 24/2/15

As part of our Calon Lan topic we have been looking at the similarities and differences of Cardiff Bay and Mountain Ash. We have recently researched what both areas were like 50years ago and thought about how they have changed to the present day. We have noticed that the land use has changed dramatically for Cardiff Bay and wanted to find out first hand how.
Before the big day arrived we decided we wanted to know why people go to Cardiff Bay and how they get there. We thought the best way to do this was to create a questionnaire. We'd never done this before so thought it world be best to design one for the children in school and ask them about their favourite games. we then practiced our oracy skills by asking two children from each class to complete it.
After deciding on things we would like to find out as a class we thought of questions we could as people and possible answers. We also discussed the importance of not asking for personal information, this linked with PC Rogers' internet safety lesson. 
Our journey started on the 9.30 train from Fernhill, whilst on the train we met a very friendly elderly couple with a guide dog, some of us had a nap and the rest of us were just far too excited. Miss Harding was driving us nuts taking pictures to tweet to show our parents we were safe.

We had to get on another train at Cardiff Queen Street to take us to The Bay. Miss Harding was at it again 1,2,3...24,25 ok we'r all here lets go. As soon as we were there we set off exploring.
In the afternoon we made our way to Techniquest for a fun filled human body show. We also found some time to try out the other exhibits.


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