School Calendar

Wednesday 18 March 2015

March Newsletter

Dates for your diary

Wednesday 18th March
  • Glassbrook Football Competition

Thursday 19th March
  • FAST Graduation. Parents are invited to come along with additional family members to celebrate graduation.

Friday 20th March
  • Cycle / scoot / Walk to school 
Children are invited to cycle, scoot or walk to school and wear non school uniform to raise money for our new school yard. A £1 donation would be gratefully received and go towards our new yards. Work will begin on the yards over the Easter holidays.  

Thursday 26th March
  • YEAR 6 – PC  Rogers - Cyber Safety
  • Year 4 – PC Rogers  - Friend or Foe

Friday 27th March
  • Easter Fayre

We are holding our Easter Fayre on Friday 27th of March at 1:30pm. We would like to receive donations of tins, bottles, gifts, toys, and chocolate items as soon as possible. We would also be grateful for any cakes on the morning of the Fayre.

We will be having an Easter Bonnet/Hat parade in the morning, and the children should bring their hats/bonnets to school in the morning.

Raffle tickets are on sale and can be bought from Mrs Doolin in the office or Mrs Dixon in class 2

Monday 13th April
  • School reopens after the Easter Holidays

Monday 27th April
  • INSET DAY – School closed to pupils.

Nursery Places

WE are delighted to inform you that despite the council’s decision to cut funding for Nursery Education to part time, Glenboi Primary School will be providing full time education for all nursery age children (3 -4 years old) from September 2015-16.  We still have a few places left for September 2015, please contact the school should you wish to take up a place. 

School meals

The new financial year has seen school meal prices increase from Monday 13th April 2015 is  £2.40 per day.


At the end of the Spring Term Miss. L. Stone will be leaving Glenboi Primary School to pursue a career opportunity. Miss. Stone has worked at the school for 7 years and given a great deal to the whole school community and of course most of all to the children.  On behalf of the school I would like to thank her for her hard work and wish her every success for the future.

Attendance Update

I would like to thank you for your efforts in improving attendance and punctuality.
Our attendance target this year is 95%, and we are on target to achieve it, if we achieve our goal, we will be alongside the best schools in Wales.  It is clear that high attendance supports high achievement and as a school we have evidence which clearly supports this.

Please remember to:
  • Pick your child up from reception not the class if your child has a medical appointment.
  • Notify the school if your child is absent.

School Values

As a school we have identified 7 core values that we want to ensure that our pupils understand and demonstrate. Our Value for February is Equality, we are discussing the importance of freedom of speech, equal rights for all and equal opportunities for all. I  would appreciate your support by talking to your children at home about

This will support all of the work we are doing in class and in assemblies.

School Website and Twitter

All school dates, information and pictures can be found on our website. If you have a smart phone, tablet or PC why not follow us on twitter, the staff are updating the twitter feed with important messages, information and photographs each week. Alternatively you can always stay updated via the website. Our new school website
follow us on twitter @primary_glenboi.

Yours sincerely,

Mr A. Llewellyn 

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